Music. Industry. Creative Culture.


bonbuz – award winning *non-alcholic spirit

Image designed by Carolyn Metcalfe

The founder of Bonbuz, Fay Behbehani, realizes we all have an innate desire to get high – humans are engineered to chase the buzz, whether that’s drugs, sex, alcohol, or rock n roll. But the continuous chase is unsustainable, depleting, harmful to our health and shortens life span. That’s why Bonbuz is on a mission to challenge the status quo by being on the frontier of new and novel ingredients, promoting and advocating for a natural buzz that feels good, all day and night, and not at the expense of your health. 

As the non-alcoholic category rapidly expands due to the radical shift in the way we drink, many women within the category experienced a journey that stemmed from an awakening: alcohol’s impact on our well-being is unsustainable. Women understand, perhaps more intimately, the nuances of its effects on our physiology and psyche. This acute awareness has catalyzed the emergence of dynamic female entrepreneurs and trailblazers, who are not just disrupting but revolutionizing the industry.

As the category size rockets, and more people change the way they drink, Bonbuz envisions a future where they not only experiment with cutting-edge ingredients but lead the charge in redefining the very definition of a ‘buzzy’ experience. They are dedicated to validating what they do with science-backed research to showcase the efficacy of Bonbuz products and the transformative potential of their curated ingredients. Through validation they commit to quality and creating the gold standard in the industry, affirming Bonbuz as the leader in the realm of naturally stimulating, mood-enhancing beverages. As they forge ahead, their mission remains crystal clear — to empower individuals to embrace a healthier, more sustainable form of ecstasy. BonBuz is not just a product; it’s a testament to our unwavering dedication to innovation, well-being, and the relentless pursuit of a buzzy experience that transcends expectations.

2 Gold


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While at SXSW, Greater Than Distribution gifted out 2 flavors of bonbuz out to artists in the green room as well as at the bar. They were a HIT – people couldn’t stop coming back for more!

READ MORE: Culture&Lifestyle
